How Much Data YouTube Videos Use on Average

How Much Data YouTube Videos use?

Dear Students, Do you How Much Data YouTube Videos you watch consume? Wanna Know? Keep reading. As we know YouTube is the home of videos on the internet. According to YouTube’s own data, there are over a billion users (approximately one-third of the Internet users) who watch millions of hours of videos and generate billions of views on its website every day.

How Much Data YouTube Videos Use on Average
How Much Data YouTube Videos Use on Average
You might be one of those users. Have You often wondered just how much data does a YouTube Video use on average. Previously we discussed 10 Tips for Students to improve YouTube Experience.

Well, Lets have a Brief look.

YouTube Video Data Consuming Factors

Actually truly Speaking, there is no simple method to find out the data usage consumption since some times, even videos that run in a low resolution mode can still end up consuming a lot of data.

However, if we take the following factors , we can come up with a general idea of how much data has been used during our YouTube session approximately:

YouTube Data Consuming Factors

  • Different video resolution
  • Length of the video
  • Automatic streaming of video when page is loaded
Discussing the first factor, normally there are different resolutions in which a video can be played. 
These Resolutions include:
  • 144p
  • 240p
  • 360p
  • 480p
  • 720p
  • 1080p
The higher the number is, the better the video quality will be and respectively, it will end up consuming more data from your Data connection or wifi.

Note : The other issue while assessing how much data YouTube videos consumes is that they are automatically streamed once the user clicks on the video. The speed at which the video is loaded is dependent on the users’ connection speed, implying that video will consume data long before you have even finished watching the video.

YouTube Video Data Usage Experiment

To clearly understand and determine how much data is consumed by YouTube videos, we are going to breakdown stats for most viewed video at YouTube.

Example Video: 

A Video has been viewed around 2.8 billion times on YouTube. Yes , You Guessed it right. it’s the Korean superstar PSY’s Gangham Style, which is available in all resolutions, from 144p to 1080p.

To conduct the experiment, we use firewall and data monitoring software called Glasswire.

Video Data Consumed at Different Resolutions

Here’s a complete breakdown of the data consumed at different resolutions:

1080p video : 74.5MB
720p video   : 45.4MB
480p video   : 27.7MB
360p video   : 16.3MB
240p video   : 9.9MB
144p video   : 7.1MB

Formula For Approximation

If we know the bitrate and the length of the YouTube video then we can derive a formula which can roughly estimate the total volume consumed by YouTube.

Here’s how the formula looks like: Bitrate x Seconds x Minutes / Bits / MBs

2160p video   :  (20000 *60*10)/8/1024    :    1465 MB
1440p  video  :  (8913 *60*10)/8/1024      :    653 MB
1080p video   :  (3774*60*10)/8/1024       :    277 MB
720p  video    :  (3000*60*10)/8/1024       :    220 MB
480p video     :  (1000*60*10)/8/1024       :    73 MB
360p video     :  (721*60*10)/8/1024         :    53 MB
240p video     :  (377*60*10)/8/1024         :    27.6 MB
144p  video    :  (80*60*10)/8/1024           :    5.8 MB

Final Words

Please note that these are just some general findings and that your mileage may vary based on Your Network Quality, Variable Video Streaming Quality, etc. 

At Least Now You can have a good idea of How Much Data YouTube Videos may Consume. if this article was helpful. Please share with your friends. Thank You.


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